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Power Source Christian Center
Church Staff
Apostle D.H.Johnson - Senior Pastor

More than 2000 years ago Jesus Christ opened the doors of the churches and said 'Whosoever will, let him come,be it Jew,Gentile,Roman or Greek,' and He left them thay way.On Sunday night,    Novemeber 19,1989,at 6:00pm,God in his most awesome,magnificent and wondrous way moved on to the face of the earth and breathed into existence another force to be reckoned with..."Power Source Christian Center."A spirit-filled body where Jesus Christ is the Head,the Holy Spirit is the director,and we are moved under  the  anointing of the Holy Spirit.

During the spring of 1989,God began to stir the hearts of Evangelist Dave and Linda Johnson.For over 15 years they had served God by being faithful on the evangelistic field.Now,God was placing a new mantle on them and giving them a higher calling.As they began to pray and seek the will of God,He placed on their hearts the vision that you see before you today,

Power Source Christian Center Inc. People from all walks of life can come and their lives are transformed.The wounded and down-trodden can be restored;the sick healed;the bound and shackled set free;yokes are broken and God's people delivered.More than anything else He said"To love people extend My mercy...for you know they are precious in my sight."

In October 1989,Apostle Dave H.Johnson held his last crusade as an evangelist.On November 10,1989,Pastor Dave and Linda Johnson located the first home for Power Source Christian Center Inc.It was a garage that had previously been used as a auto detail shop.With only 50 dollars and the vision God had placed in their hearts,Pastor Dave and Linda Johnson and The Power Source Family held their first service on Sunday night,November 19,1989.The following Sunday morning,they began having praise and worship services and God began adding to people from all walks of life to be transformed by the word of God.The Power  Source Family prayed fervently and dedicated and consecrated the building for God's glory...God moved mightly.On February 18,1990 Pastor Dave and Linda Johnson was installed as head under shepherds of this body of believers.

God continued to add,multiply,establish and bless this ministry.In one years time,we exprienced tremendous growth and we give God all the honor and glory.

We truly thank God and give Him all the glory for manifesting His will through Power Source Christian Center Inc.

The Power Source Family increased tremendously as God blessed our faithfulness over the past years.We have added churches to our fellowship.God has been really good to us and faithful in His promise to establish this vision of 200 churches,We are on our way.

We must honor God for the great things He is doing and have done.Ask yourself ...Where would I be if the Lord wasn't my guide leading me/us every step of the way?

We yield our will to God to use as He pleases and we live our lives totally committed to Him. 

© 2025, Power Source Christian Center
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